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Infrared Heating Panels for Conveyor (IPH-C)

EUROLINIA Industrial Infrared Heaters

EUROLINIA IPH-C Infrared Heating Panel is a specially modified heater device designed for continuous heating operation on a moving conveyor belt. 

Most of the features are identical to the IPH-T model infrared electric panels used for thermoforming. However, there are some differences and additional modifications related to the operation of continuous conveyor lines.

Conveyor Belt Heater Special Features

The IPH-C conveyor panel heaters are equipped with a special chassis that uses a pneumatic drive and a rocker mechanism. These additional devices open or close the heat-blocking curtains, which are a part of the inertia-free START/STOP system of infrared heating (IFSS). This system allows you to prepare the products for the heat treatment process, or to immediately START/STOP the production line with minimal production losses. It also eliminates the need to subsequently cool down and warm up the system every time you need to get access to the conveyor, thus saving time and reducing energy consumption.

low inertia start stop system eurolinia conveyor belt heaters

Depending on the production process, the IPH-C panel heating surface can have a flat or parabolic profile with widely distributed (IPH-C1 modification) or tightly installed (IPH-C2 modification) ceramic emitters

Uniform Heating

The central and edge heating zones are separately controlled along the width of the heated product or conveyor belt. Separately adjusting the temperature of the mentioned zones allows you to get the most uniform heating, taking into account partial reflection of the heating energy from the surface of the product and its further redistribution inside the heating chamber.

сontactless infrared temperature sensors pyrometer

Automatic Heating Adjustment

Сonnected with the heating control unit, сontactless infrared temperature sensors (pyrometers) constantly measure the temperature of the product at the heating chamber exit and compare it to the preset temperature. When necessary they automatically adjust the heating power of the central or edge heating panel sections. This allows maintaining minimal deviations from the set target temperature.

heating panel conveyor belt control unit

Heating Panel Control Unit

All EUROLINIA heating panels are equipped with a specially programmed Сontrol unit. The heating process can be monitored visually on the control panel or from a remote computer. The control unit allows you:

  • Preset or change the emitter temperature on-line
  • Apply different heating setups for each zone manually
  • Apply pre-saved settings from a database
  • Calculate the current infrared power density for each zone to speed up and optimize the overall production process

The control unit constantly monitors the performance of ceramic emitters and signals if the circuit has a malfunction or one of the ceramic heating emitters fails to operate (burns out).

Areas of Application

The IPH-C Infrared heating panels are used for continuous and uniform heating, curing, and drying of flat sheet and roll materials (polymer film, fabrics, paper), as well as for heat processing and drying of bulk loose materials, food, and single objects placed on a moving conveyor belt.

Custom Design

EUROLINIA usually builds custom IPH-C modification heating panels for conveyor belts according to the client’s specific application. However, there are currently 4 standard IPH-C versions shown in the table below.

Infrared heating panels for conveyor (IPH-C) IPH-C161 IPH-C263 IPH-C294 IPH-C138
Infrared heating zone (length x width), mm 725х425 820х340 1050х600 2170х455
Number of infrared heating zones, pcs 6 5 5 3
Electric power consumption, kW:        
- rated (starting) 2,55 7,2 18 19,2
- average (material heating mode) 2,0-2,25 3,5-5,0 10,5-15,0 15,0-18,5
- in standby mode (infrared emitters at operating temperature) 1,5 2,5 6 5,5
Emitter operating temperature, °c 250-400 450-600 550-750 600-750
Curb weight, kg 35 45 60 90
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