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Industrial Infrared Heater Panels | Product Overview

All EUROLINIA infrared panels are manufactured according to the client’s application and include high precision control systems to perfectly match the required production process.

These IPH radiant heater panels are assembled at our facility from scratch to the final product. We run multiple tests to make sure they are 100% in line with all the requirements and expectations. Our clients are welcome to attend such tests.

Areas of Application

EUROLINIA IPH line Infrared panel heaters are designed for industrial and technological heating processes such as:

  • Curing and drying of sheet and roll materials (polymers, fabrics, paper)
  • Bulk heat processing of materials, medical instruments, food, etc. 

Infrared electric heating panels are commonly used in thermoforming machines, shrink and drying chambers, and other heat treatment machines. 

Originally developed and self-manufactured EUROLINIA ICH-100/200/400 series ceramic emitters are used as heating elements when building the IPH heating panels. They comply with all existing European/US standards and are interchangeable with similar models of other brands.

Advantages of these ceramic heating emitters include:

  • Extremely high reliability and durability
  • Resistant to corrosion, high humidity, and condensation
  • Dust, pollution, and most chemical compounds resistant

At the same time, they can reliably deliver a temperature of the emitting surface at 750 °C.

Infrared Heating Panels Advantages

  • High response heating due to the low inertia of the ceramic infrared emitters. There is no need for long preheating and constant temperature maintenance. EUROLINIA IPH line infrared panel heaters can reach the preset temperature only in 7-10 minutes.
  • Volumetric heating of the material due to the high penetrating power of infrared radiation. The IPH panels deliver the heat to a greater depth, thus, the process of drying and polymerization becomes more intense.
  • Uniform heating. The ability to control and quickly adjust the heating temperature in different areas (for example, compensation for heat losses at the edges and elimination of overheating in the center) ensures uniform heating.
  • Instant stop. These panels can stop the heating process immediately. If an obstacle appears between the infrared elements and the surface being treated, the heating can be stopped almost instantly. This feature can be implemented at minimum cost, but it is often extremely important for the technological process, especially when processing lengthy products.
  • Clean environment. The absence of convective heat circulation ensures you have a clean working environment, which is crucial for most heating processes.
  • Economical and easy to maintain with no need for highly qualified operators the Infrared heating panels give you efficiency and easy maintenance. Operation costs of infrared heating are significantly lower compared to other heating methods.

Heating Control Systems

The preset temperature of the IPH industrial infrared panel surface is controlled by a special unit. Built-in automatics also monitor the performance of each infrared emitter and lets you know if something goes wrong (eg. the preset values are exceeded or in case of failure).

The infrared radiant panel heater is usually divided into several operating zones. The heating intensity of each zone is automatically adjusted based on the data received from the thermal sensors located inside the emitters equipped with the thermocouple. This ensures compensation of heat losses at the edges of the product and helps to avoid overheating in the center.

Infrared Heating Panel Control unit and computer software

Setting up and controlling the IPH infrared heating panel operations can be carried out either directly from the control unit or from a remote computer connected to it. Find more information about EUROLINIA control systems here.

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Infrared Process Heating Application

Materials such as foil, plastic films, paper, often need heating for lamination and drying of coatings. Infrared heating systems offer a large number of advantages, including uniform heating and high production speed. The heating of the peripheral zones avoids the heat drop, and the fast response time of the infrared emitters protects the materials from thermal damage in the event of a conveyor stop.

At the moment, several application examples show the advantages that infrared heating provides for processing.

Infrared systems provide effective heating before precessing fabrics. Floor covering or furniture decor, windows, and doors are made based on the plastic film with embossed wood. The surface of the foil should be soft for embossing, but the material should not be subjected to heat damage. During embossing, the structure is pressed into the plastic sheet to achieve the desired appearance. The surface should be slightly softened under the influence of heat. The structures are pressed into the soft surface, passing the foil between the steel rollers and the rubber roller.

Infrared heating for Embossing

Heating occurs closer to the embossed embossing clip, which gives advantages. The longer the heating process lasts, the more the entire foil sheet heats up, and this can lead to stretching or stretching of the soft film during its continuation.

Short-wave infrared emitters are quite powerful. Unlike emitters with a lower temperature, short-wave emitters heat the foil quickly and evenly. Compact module size may also require a smaller surface area than other heating devices. This means less harm to the environment and increased energy efficiency. Consider the example of the company Renolit in the UK, where the replacement of convectional heating with ceramic infrared heaters improved the technological process efficiency. The infrared system accelerated the work and helped the company to save energy. Infrared systems are also used on the floor covering the production line of Tarkett Ltd.

Infrared Heating for Laminating

Factories produce laminates for the kitchen or bedroom, as well as film for laminating window profiles. An important element of the production is the embossing line: PVC-based laminates are embossed with wood grain. During the modernization of its embossing line, the company used ceramic infrared emitters. 

Infrared heaters are grouped in cassette modules for separate heating zones, which can be adjusted. As a result, heating always occurs at the same distance from the canvas, which ensures uniform heating. This system allows you to control the heat so that the energy is used efficiently. The foil is quickly heated to the desired temperature, which allows you to increase productivity. 

Also, the fast response time (in seconds) of the emitters reduces the risk of heating system damage. The heating elements can be switched off immediately if the conveyor stops. 

Infrared Heating for Floor Coverings

Infrared Heating for Floor Coverings

Infrared heating is also used in the production of floor coverings. At the Maidstone plant, infrared systems are used at the points of the production line for the production of floor coverings. They provide the company with production control The British-based company Tarkett Ltd provides solutions for sports coatings to architects, equipment specialists, installers, and end-users. The production process of floor coverings consists in increasing the thickness of PVC paste on a PVC lining, which has an internal coating of fiberglass. The flooring has non-slip properties due to the introduction of aluminum oxide into the top layer. PVC flakes are also introduced for aesthetic appeal.

Drying and Curing with Infrared Heating

The application of heat is an important part of drying the base. Tarkett replaced the heating system with carbon infrared and medium-wave infrared ceramic emitters. During operation, the substrate layer is heated using two carbon infrared heating modules. Each module contains emitters with a capacity of 24.1 kW and a module with a capacity of 27.5 kW for heating the canvas.

Horizontal tunnel oven

Infrared heating removes moisture from the carrier material, giving proper bonding for applying the PVC paste and stops the formation of bubbles. The infrared emitter unit is located after the first paste application station to ensure that the surface is dried. Then the PVC cloth is transferred to the second paste application station and is heated by the third infrared system. Then it passes into the oven and the ultraviolet system for final curing.

Holographic foil

The medium-wave infrared heating panel system gives the company API Foils Ltd. the ability to achieve a higher speed of the line and better control of heating during hot stamping. API Foils produces embossing foils used on products from stationery to wine labels, as well as holographic foils, which are used to create two-dimensional or three-dimensional effects for products such as credit cards. 

The production of holographic foil consists of stamping of a polyester-based film. This is usually achieved by using embossed rollers that are filled with hot oil. Unfortunately, this technique is difficult to control precisely. 

To increase the speed of work and achieve greater flexibility of the embossing line, as well as to provide the ability to work with different materials, the API decided to consider alternative heating methods that provide a better degree of operational control. The API team evaluated its capabilities and decided that it is better to use infrared heating.

In conclusion, we recommend that customers looking for infrared systems contact our company for expert estimation.

EUROLINIA is the manufacturer of infrared systems offering their testing center, which can conduct practical tests with competent technical support. The tests are performed by the team choosing the equipment for heat treatment. The goal is to find the type of emitter and the heating configuration that are most suitable for the application — and, for the heating or curing process — to effectively meet the requirements.